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Some people find it hard to understand how Twitter really works. This is a problem particularly to those who have just started to join the world of Twitter and admittedly at first you get so confused of what’s happening.

Luckily, various Twitter apps are designed to help users take pleasure in tweeting and sharing ideas. A lot of apps actually aid in analyzing and making recommendations for the right periods for users to tweet on a daily basis.

Evidently, this considerably aids in reaching your target audience during the times that they are engaged and very much active. Aside from this, apps are not merely designed to help users analyze the performance of their tweets but more so examine your followers’ current activity. To put it simply, you can now easily know why a certain tweet obtained little response.

As always, whenever you feel perplexed and unaware of what to do in Twitter, you can always search for guides such as how to engage in automatic retweets. Lucky are social media users these days for everything is made easier for them. Without any shadow of doubt, communicating to a wide audience is no longer deemed as a struggle at present. Sharing ideas is even more fun, can reach countless of people and surely more exciting.

Types of Tweets that Certainly Don’t Help you Get Many Automatic Retweets

While it is always good to know what makes you a better twitter user, it is also important to know the things that other twitter users wish you never did. In addition, it is good to know how people react to your tweets and especially why they will then go the extra mile and retweet them. Stick with me in the next few minutes therefore as I guide you on how to remain disciplined and successful in your efforts to grow your twitter following without pissing people off.

Aggressive Marketing Tweets

No matter how clever your message appears, marketing aggressively doesn’t have the best impact when it comes to attracting automatic retweets. People often perceive a direct sales tweet as spam, and they will even unfollow you with immediate effect. Twitter also prohibits large numbers of unsolicited mentions and it could suspend your account for this.With that in mind, learn to be a resource out of which come valuable tweets. Give people information first before you can then mention that you have a product you would like them to buy.

Self-Aggrandizing Tweets

People generally dislike self-aggrandizing people. A few of your friends may like you tweet about how good you are at singing, but few will retweet the message. Instead, people prefer to retweet and like tweets that inspire or motivate others in life. As such, always ensure your tweet has an element of inspiration, entertainment or value to someone else. That way, they will have a reason to share your tweet for others to see.

Demanding for Attention Tweets

Using dozens of hash tags to insist that people should follow you will only make them not to. In fact, social media users tend to do the exact opposite a person who seems arrogant tells them. If you keep insisting that people retweet your tweets, they will ignore them. If you demand them to follow back, they simply won’t. In fact, some of them will end up mocking or even insulting you. As such, learn to play by the rules. Offer great content, and the automatic retweets will come your way even when you probably don’t use many hash tags.

Over-Shared Jokes

You may think that funny tweets attract the highest number of auto retweets, but they don’t always do. In fact there are people who attract thousands of retweets with their original non-humorous jokes. How come? While people love to get tickled, they don’t enjoy overshared jokes. And this is a good point to note because almost half of twitter users today capitalize on jokes as their primary content. By contrast, there are dozens of ideas you could tweet and still get as many retweets as you would want.

Blatantly Insulting Tweets

You would wonder why someone would think others want to view their insults about people’s lifestyles or political views. It happens a lot especially for people who love sharing their love life on twitter. Unfortunately, people find it annoying and not worth sharing at least most of the time.