Free Followers on Twitter: Surveys or Not

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If you have a Twitter page, you are likely enjoying the quickness with which you can build your following. Simply putting a short snippet of information on the page and keeping it moving is something that is going to get you considered active on this site. Yet, it is not enough to just post. You need to post information and content that is going to be interesting to your followers. This will help them to become engaged and, then, talk about your page with others. On Twitter, this can seem like a limited goal, as the page itself has blocks that limit your text. But, there is a new and growingly used feature in the Twitter world that is making becoming engaged and interactive very easy: surveys. But, should you use them?

The quick answer in whether or not you should use surveys for Twitter is yes. Surveys are a great way to earn free followers and their free likes because they engage individuals. An engaged follower of a page is more likely to continue to be engaged and share the information that they want and need with others. As such, you should consider surveys as an invaluable tool for growing your page’s popularity and your following.